Changing the world together!
About us
As well as providing cutting edge web and mobile development services at affordable prices for over 10 years, since the very beginning Ekreative has been committed to giving away a significant portion of its profit to charity! Sounds crazy? Business is dealt with first, but when all the programmers have been paid, bills accounted for and so on, Ekreative enables its “charitable powerhouse” division! This might seem unusual in the cut-throat business world of today’s technology market, but thanks to our moral obligation and the dedication of the team, the business has succeeded and grown and with it, so has our capacity for charitable giving.

Incredible world
We have a responsibility to give something back to this incredible world we live in.
Help others
We can do this by helping and supporting those less fortunate than ourselves.
Charity everywhere
Therefore we support charitable causes locally, nationally and internationally.
Inspire young people
Being sent to take part in overseas charity work inspires people to act for change.
The amount of Ekreative’s profit which gets used for charitable causes
We’ve supported charitable projects in 13 different countries
We’ve sent from Ukraine to serve the world's needy and impoverished
food parcels
Handed out each week to Eastern Ukrainian refugees during the winter of ‘14
Going deeper
Check out these 2 charitable projects enabled by Ekreative
Our home town, Cherkasy, has seen a huge influx of refugees from Eastern Ukraine in the last couple of years. When they first arrived we welcomed them with weekly food packages, handing out up to 500 per week. Today we continue to support them, helping purchase urgent household items and organising regular social events and free English, music and art classes for adults and children.
Humanitarian aid is crucial during times of immediate need, but we are very wary not to create dependency, that’s why we focus on job creation. Investing in people’s lives by training them and giving them jobs gives them hope for a better future. We arrange for training and placements in a range of areas, not just those related to our own IT industry.
The vehicle through which much of our charitable work is done.
Of course, many countries of the world are suffering even more than Ukraine - and for fifteen years we have been organising and sending teams from Ukraine around the world. The aim is twofold, firstly to help out on the ground, bringing transformation among the poor and needy, and secondly to open the eyes of our teams to the many opportunities available to them living in Ukraine, which others don’t have.
Visit Kreativity siteIT Help
As well as having a wider focus on serving those in need, we’re keen to find ways to improve the world around us using our well honed it skills.

Cherkassy IT Cluster
Ekreative is a founding member of the “Cherkassy IT Cluster”, a collection of companies dedicated to co-operatively furthering the interests and reputation of the IT industry in our home town.
Programmers without borders
We’ve sent skilled IT specialists to train and equip local people in both India and Kenya. A permanent IT skills classroom and a new business formed following the Ekreative business model are the results!
GeekHub provides free IT skills classes, teaching a range of programming languages and much more besides! Several of the teachers are Ekreative coders and we’ve already hired a few graduates, testament to the projects high standards!